As You Like It

As You Like It Summary

It is believed that William Shakespeare wrote the play As You Like It in 1599. It is a pastoral comedy that was first published in the First Folio (1623). The story of the play is mainly centred around Rosalind. She flees persecution in the court of her uncle. Celia, her cousin, also goes (flees) with

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The Mill on the Floss

The Mill on the Floss Summary

 Introduction The Mill on the Floss is an outstanding novel by the famous Victorian novelist George Eliot. It was first published in 1860 (three volumes).  The Mill on the Floss Summary in Short The novel entitled The Mill on the Floss mainly describes the story of Maggie Tulliver. She is a close self-portrait. Her childhood

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The Double Dealer

The Double Dealer Characterization

In the previous two articles on William Congreve’s The Double Dealer, we discussed the themes and plot of this play. But, this one is concerned with Congreve’s art of characterization because characters play important roles in any drama. As we know (through the study of previous articles) The Double Dealer is a presentation of (a)

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