She Walks in Beauty

She Walks in Beauty Summary

About the Poem

It was the English Lord Byron who composed this short and well-known lyric (poem) which was first published in the year 1815. It is an outstanding instance of Romanticism. It is said that a remarkable event in the life of Byron inspired this poem; he attended a party on 11th June 1814 in London.

The poet, there saw a woman, Mrs. Anne Beatrix Wilmot among the guests who was the wife of his cousin Sir Robert Wilmot. The unusual or extraordinary beauty of Mrs. Anne Beatrix struck Lord Byron so much. That is why the next morning he wrote this popular poem. In this way:

  • The lyrical poem She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron is praise as well as a search to capture a sense of the beauty of a particular woman
  • The poet, through the short poem She Walks in Beauty makes a comparison of Mrs. Anne Beatrix Wilmot to a lovely and memorable night with a starry night. Moreover, he also goes on to convey the beauty of this woman as a harmonious meeting “between” darkness as well as light
  • Lord Byron’s lyric She Walks in Beauty, after describing the physical charm and attractiveness, portrays the aforementioned outer beauty as a representative of inner goodness as well as virtue
  • Apart from the above, Issac Nathan set this poem to music as part of the Hebrew Melodies set
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!

She Walks in Beauty Summary

The speaker of the poem She Walks in Beauty starts it with a comparison of a beautiful woman; she is walking in a clear night sky full of bright stars. finest light, as well as darkness, come together in harmony of this woman means Mrs. Anne Beatrix Wilmot; especially within her eyes.

The aforementioned (I) Gentle, as well as (II) Delicate play of light is heavenly. In fact, heaven generally does not accept (means, refuses) to grant this supernatural light to that daytime that is showy.

The speaker in the second stanza of the lyric She Walks in Beauty says that (I) a touch more shade, or even (II) a ray of light would have very much diminished the charm and beauty of this woman.

It is not easy (means, hard) to put into words, it shows itself in every strand of her hair as well as falls on her face in a gentle way/manner. Moreover, (I) the sweet, (II) angelic emotions of the woman play out on her face. They reveal how (I) pure, as well as (II) precious she is.

The speaker, in the last stanza of Lord Byron’s She, Walks in Beauty as well, describes the physical charm (qualities) of Mrs. Anne Beatrix Wilmot. He says that on her cheek & forehead, softly as well as calmly (but, noticeable) appear: (I) winning smiles, as well as (II) a skin tone that is glowing. As far as the above-mentioned features are concerned; they reveal that this woman:

  • The spends or passes her days virtuously
  • Possesses a peaceful mind
  • Has a heart that is innocent and loving

She Walks in Beauty Major Themes

Lord Byron incorporates (I) Beauty, as well as (II) Harmony of Mind & Body as the main themes of his poem She Walks in Beauty. This Romantic poet narrates as well as compares beauty with different phrases like “tender light” as he creates nice imagery for (a) the charming features of the woman, (b) the eloquence of speech, as well as (c) purity of love. Moreover, he also focuses on beauty with classical diction and shows his belief that it lies within as well as the body only projects it.

In addition, the balance between light as well as dark is a clear indication that the perfection of that beauty where even a slight change has the ability of damaging prettiness. So, it easily can be said that the strand of (I) Beauty, as well as (II) Harmony runs throughout this lyrical poem of Lord Byron.

She Walks in Beauty Structure and Form

Lord Byron’s poem She Walks in Beauty comprises just three stanzas of six lines each. As far as the aforementioned poetic form is concerned; the poets mostly use it for hymns; that is why it is associated with: (I) Simplicity, and (II) Chasteness. Here, it is notable that though this literary piece is (in fact) itself a love poem, it does not actually refer to passionate or sexual love. This lyrical poem of Byron comes composed in iambic tetrameter and with a rhyme scheme of ABABAB. 

The awe of the speaker in She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron, at the charming appearance of the woman comes across as just that: the awe that a(ny) person would feel for (I) a marvelous or lovely painting, or (II) a picture of nature. It is a particularly unusual/uncommon choice coming from the young Romantic poet, provided that he was mostly known for his lascivious affairs.

u003cstrongu003eQues:u003c/strongu003e How does Lord Byron describe the beauty of the woman in his poem entitled u003cemu003eShe Walks in Beautyu003c/emu003e ?

u003cstrongu003eAns:u003c/strongu003e The poet describes this woman as beautiful: u003cstrongu003e(I) u003c/strongu003eon the Inside; as well as u003cstrongu003e(II)u003c/strongu003e Out. According to him, she is more inlight with darkness in comparison to the gaudy light. Moreover, hair is dark as well as her eyes are as bright as the shining stars.

u003cstrongu003eQues:u003c/strongu003e What are the symbols of the lyric u003cemu003eShe Walks in Beautyu003c/emu003e by Lord Byron?

u003cstrongu003eAns:u003c/strongu003e The major/main symbols in Byron’s popular poem u003cemu003eShe Walks in Beauty u003c/emu003eare the symbols of: u003cstrongu003e(I)u003c/strongu003e Light, as well as u003cstrongu003e(II)u003c/strongu003e Dark. Its speaker, throughout this short lyrical poem, draws on the symbolic connotations of the two above-mentioned things in order to evoke the woman’s beauty described.

u003cstrongu003eQues:u003c/strongu003e What literary devices does Lord Byron use in his u003cemu003eShe Walks in Beautyu003c/emu003e?

u003cstrongu003eAns:u003c/strongu003e Byron uses many literary devices in his poem u003cemu003eShe Walks in Beautyu003c/emu003e; some of them are u003cstrongu003e(I)u003c/strongu003e Metaphorical, u003cstrongu003e(II)u003c/strongu003e Simile, u003cstrongu003e(III)u003c/strongu003e Paradox, u003cstrongu003e(IV)u003c/strongu003e Personification, as well as u003cstrongu003e(V)u003c/strongu003e Visual imagery.