The lake isle of Innisfree analysis

The lake Isle of Innisfree  1890 e was composed by Yeats in 1890. It appeared in his third volume of poem entitled the rose. The situation which inspired him to compose this poem was something like this.

After the success of his poetic value the wandering of Oisin 1889, Yeats Decided to stay in London,  to seek his fortune as a poet and dramatist. He made friends with Ernest Rhys and founded the rhymers club.

but the hustle and bustle And hardship of London life made him homesick.  there was no peace of mind.

one day he noticed a fountain in a chemist’s shop in London. The Fountain was throwing out jets of water for ornamental purposes.

The scene of the fountain absorbed Yeats to all intents and purposes for a while. He came to himself after a short while.

He found himself standing on the roadway. He felt an intense feeling of homesickness. He thought that he could find such peace only in Innisfree, an island in the lake called  Laugh Gill situated in the country Slingo. 

At every moment his imagination carried him to Innisfree And planted him there. He had lived there for some days.

Soon reality brought him back to where he was in London. he came back home and composed this poem. It is made up of 12 lines. It is divided into three stanzas of four lines each.

 I will get out of the illusion of getting peace in London and go back home now. I will go to Innisfree,  the island in the laugh Gill Lak Lake in Slingo.

There I shall build a small Cottage of twigs plastered with clay. I shall also have nine rows of beans planets Before my Cottage and also a beehive for honey bees on a Tree nearby.

 there I shall live alone peacefully In the clear,  grassy spot ful on the human eating sound of the bees. I am sure  I shall have someplace there. for peace reigns over the place so slowly as to make no noise.

It  Rains from the veils of the morning sun and silences the cricket which sings there at night.  their midnight shines with a faint Of the glow worms and the clouded or the crescent moon.

At noon the whole place is filled with a purple light which comes into Being When the golden sunlight dances upon the blue surface of the lake.

In the evening the whole place is filled with the noise of the wings of linnets perching on the trees on the island.

 I will get out of my foolish belief of getting peace here in London, and go back to County Slingo now.

For always day night my mind runs away to  Innisfree When the noise of London weighs upon it.

In my imagination I  perceive the waves of the Lough Gill Lake Breaking on the Shore,  and lapping the crags, with low sounds.

Even now while I stand here on the roadway, or rather on Gray pavements, I hear their lapping sound in the innermost part of my heart. 

The lake isle of Innisfree theme

The poet decides to go to the island of Innisfree and settle there. He will build a cottage out of Clay and twigs.

He will grow their nine rows of beans. He will have a beehive. He will enjoy the humming sound of bees all alone in that happy and silent place.

 The expectation To find peace there for peace is the breath of the air. The sound made by waves of the tide touches his innermost heart.

He is reminded of his ideal and imaginary adobe.  he cannot refuse the call. He has decided to move to his peaceful Cottage in a beautiful natural atmosphere.

Such is the poetic thought of the poem. evidently, it is a poem of escape from reality. First, it appeared in a magazine called the national observer which used to publish the poems of the rhymers club.

thereafter it appeared in the volume the rose 1893 it has been praised by critics as a very pretty lyric.