who moved my cheese

What is the moral of the story who moved my cheese

“Who Moved My Cheese” is a best-selling book by Spencer Johnson that has been translated into over 40 languages. The book is a short, easy-to-read fable that presents a simple yet powerful message about change and how people respond to it. 

In this article, we will explore the moral of the story “Who Moved My Cheese” and discuss its relevance in our personal and professional lives.

Who moved my cheese summary?

“Who Moved My Cheese?” is a simple yet effective story by Spencer Johnson about certain life changes and how we can choose to react to them. The story revolves around two mice named Sniff and Scurry and two little people named Hem and Haw, who all live in a maze and rely on cheese as their source of happiness and success.

When their cheese supply is suddenly moved, Sniff and Scurry quickly adapt and set off to find new cheese, while Hem and Haw resist change and cling to their old ways. As they struggle to find new cheese, Haw eventually overcomes his fear and learns to embrace change, leading him to success.

The story teaches us that change is inevitable, and we must adapt to it. Those willing to take risks and embrace change will be successful, while those who resist change and refuse to take action will fall behind. It encourages us to have a positive attitude towards change and take action when faced with it, both personally and professionally.

Overall, “Who Moved My Cheese?” is a useful lesson for anyone who wants to thrive in a constantly changing world.

Understanding the Story

Overview of the Plot

The story is about four characters living in a maze and searching for cheese. The characters are two mice named Sniff and Scurry and two little people named Hem and Haw. They all have different approaches to finding and dealing with change.

Initially, the characters find a large cheese station with an ample supply of cheese. However, one day, the cheese runs out, and the characters must find a new source of cheese.

Characters’ Reactions to Change

Sniff and Scurry quickly adapt to the change and immediately start looking for a new source of cheese. On the other hand, Hem and Haw resist the change and are angry and frustrated that their cheese has been taken away.

While Sniff and Scurry embrace the change, Hem and Haw struggle to deal with it. They are afraid of the unknown and unwilling to take risks to find new cheese.

Lessons Learned from the Story

The story teaches us that change is inevitable, and we must adapt to it. Those willing to adapt and take risks will be successful, while those who resist change and refuse to take action will fall behind.

The story also emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude toward change. Sniff and Scurry approach the situation positively and are open to new possibilities. In contrast, Hem and Haw have a negative attitude and are stuck in their ways.

Finally, the story highlights the need to be proactive and take action when faced with change. Sniff and Scurry immediately seek new cheese, while Hem and Haw waste time and miss opportunities.

Relevance in Our Personal and Professional Lives

Personal Life

The lessons learned from the story apply to our personal lives. Life is full of unexpected changes, and it is up to us to adapt and overcome them. We must be willing to take risks and embrace new opportunities.

Having a positive attitude towards change is also important in our personal lives. By having a positive mindset, we can turn challenges into opportunities and grow from our experiences.

Taking action is also critical when faced with change. Procrastination and inaction will lead to missed opportunities and hinder our personal growth.

Professional Life

The lessons from the story are also relevant in our professional lives. The business world constantly evolves, and companies must adapt to stay ahead of the competition.

Having a positive attitude towards change is crucial in the business world. Companies that resist change will struggle to survive, while those that embrace change will thrive.

Taking action is also critical in the business world. Companies that are proactive and take risks will have a competitive advantage over-reactive and hesitant ones.


In conclusion, the moral of the story “Who Moved My Cheese” is that change is inevitable, and we must adapt to it. Those willing to adapt and take risks will be successful, while those who resist change and refuse to take action will fall behind. A positive attitude towards change and taking action are critical in our personal and professional lives.


What does the story teach us about change?

The story teaches us that change is inevitable, and we must adapt to it. Those willing to adapt and take risks will be successful, while those who resist change and refuse to take action will fall behind.

How can we apply the lessons from the story in our personal lives?

In our personal lives, we can apply the lessons from the story by being willing to take risks, having a positive attitude toward change, and taking action when faced with change.

How can we apply the lessons from the story in our professional lives?

In our professional lives, we can apply the lessons from the story by being proactive and taking risks, having a positive attitude towards change, and taking action to adapt to changes in the business world.

What are some examples of companies that have successfully adapted to change?

Some examples of companies that have successfully adapted to change include Apple, Amazon, and Netflix. These companies have been able to anticipate and adapt to changes in their respective industries, which has helped them to maintain their competitive advantage.